Zhizheng SI7 :Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Zhi: Divergence Zheng: regular meridian
The collateral of the small intestine meridian diverges from this point (Zhizheng) to the heart meridian.
Point: SI-7
Chinese Name: 支正
English Name/Meaning: Branch of Upright
Pinyin: zhī zhèng
Han Geul 한글: ji jeong 지정
Romaji: shi sei(?)
Vietnamese: Chi chính
On the dorsal ulnar aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting Yanggu ( SI5 ) and Xiaohai ( SI8 ), 5 cun above the dorsal transverse crease of the wrist.
Indications of zhizheng:
- The point is beneficial for problems along SI channel as it enhances the flow of qi – eyes (blurred vision, poor vision), shoulder, elbow, wrist.
- Also calms mind so is used for Psychosis;
- Febrile disease;
- Local disorder: Aching pain in the elbow and arm.
Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely 0.5-0.8 cun.
Luo-Connecting Point.
Significant combination:
Combination of yuan-source and luo-connecting point:
HT 7 and SI 7: HT 7 is the principal point on the Heart channel to calm and regulate the spirit, and this is complemented by the strong action SI 7 has on treating psycho-emotional disorders.
Read about other points of Small Intestine Meridian:
SI1-Shaoze-少泽 SI2-Qiangu-前谷 SI3-Houxi-後溪 SI4-Wangu-腕骨 SI5-Yanggu-阳谷 SI6-Yanglao-养老 SI8-Xiaohai-小海 SI9-Jianzhen-肩贞 SI10-Naoshu-臑俞 SI11-Tianzhong-天宗 SI12-Bingfeng-秉風 SI13-Quyuan-曲垣 SI14-Jianwaishu-肩外俞 SI15-Jianzhongshu-肩中俞 SI16-Tianchuang-天窗 SI17-Tianrong-天容 SI18-Quanliao-颧髎 SI19-Tinggong-听宫