Zhongfu LU1: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Zhong: Middle Fu: Place
The term zhong refers to middle jiao. As lung meridian originates from middle jiao. This is the point where the qi of stomach and spleen in the middle jiao is gathered in the lung meridian.
This point is located 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, level with the intercostals space below the lst rib (second rib at the level of sternal angle.
Puncture obliquely or transversely 0.5-0.8 cun toward the lateral side of the chest; deep perpendicular insertion toward the medial aspect is prohibited in order to avoid puncturing the lung and causing pneumothorax.
Respiratory disorder: cough ,asthma, shortness of breathe
Chest disorder: tightness of chest, chest pain
Throat disorder: sore throat
Digestive disorder: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea
Local disorder: shoulder pain, stiffness
Front mu point of the lung
Avoid deep perpendicular insertion toward the medial aspect in order to avoid puncturing the lung and causing pneumothorax.