Zhongji CV3: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution



Zhong: centre Ji: exactly
Zhongji point is exactly at the centre of the body.

English name/ meaning: Central Pole
Chinese name: 中极
Chinese pinyin: Zhongji
Korean name: Chung-guk
Japanese name: Chukyoku
Vietnamese name: Trung cuc
French Name: Tchong-tsi


On the anterior midline, 4 cun below the umbilicus.

Functions of Zhongji:

  • Assists in the transforming function of Qi of Bladder (excess/deficiency urine syndromes).
  • Clears damp heat in the lower burner (gynaecological disorders, pruritis, reproductive problems).
  • Regulates uterus (Warms Blood Chamber, uterine prolapse, Warms Kidney-Yang).
  • Strengthen Kidney.


  • Main point for various urinary disorders like difficulty in urination, infection of urinary tract, urinary retention, nocturnal emission, enuresis.
  • Reproductive Disorders like irregular menstruation, morbid leucorrhea, infertility, impotence.


Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1. cun after urination.


Front-Mu point of the Urinary Bladder.
Crossing point of the Foot-Yin channel and Conception Vessel.

For patients with retention of urine or fullness of urine or fullness of the urinary bladder, puncture Zhongji and Guanyuan obliquely with attention to the depth in order not to hurt the urinary bladder.


The point is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Deep insertion will penetrate a full bladder, so empty bladder before treatment.

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