Zhonglushu BL29 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Zhonglushu is in the centre of the body, where the Qi of the muscles on both sides of the spine is infused into the back.


Zhong: centre Lu: muscles on both sides of the spine Shu:Point
Zhonglushu is in the centre of the body, where the Qi of the muscles on both sides of the spine is infused into the back.
Point: BL29
Chinese Name: 中膂俞
Name: Zhonglushu
English Name/Meaning: Mid-Spine Transporter
Pinyin: zhōng lǚ shū
Han Geul 한글: jung nyeo nae yu 중려내유
Romaji: chū ryo yu?
Vietnamese: Trung lữ du


1.5cun lateral to the Governor meridian, at the level of the third posterior sacral foramen.


Strengthens the lumbar spine, warms yang and dispels cold.

Moves qi and blood.


Dysentry, hernia, stiffness and pain of the lower back (lumbar/sacral spine), Disc herniation, Sciatica.


Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.

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