Zhongwan CV12 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precautions

Zhong: middle wan: stomach
Zhongwan is over the middle of the stomach.
English name/ meaning: Central Stomach
Chinese name: 中脘
Chinese pinyin: Zhongwan
Korean name: Chung-wan
Japanese name: Chukan
Vietnamese name: Trungquan
French Name: Tchong-koann (Tchong-oann)
Functions of Zhongwan:
- Harmonize Stomach (Descends stomach qi, Both excess and deficiency type stomach problems).
- Tonifies spleen and transforms dampness (Deficiency syndromes).
- Clams Shen / spirit.
Zhongwan is 4 cun above the umbilicus, or midway between the umbilicus and the xiphisternal symphysis.
- Zhongwan is the main point for stomach diseases: stomachache, abdominal distension, diarrhoea, vomiting, regurgitation of acid, hiccups, poor appetite, Jaundice.
- Psychosis, epilepsy.
Puncture perpendicularly 1-1.5 cun.
- Front-Mu Point of the Stomach.
- Crossing Point of Small Intestine, Triple Energizer, Stomach channel and Conception vessel
- One of the Eight Influential Points (Fu-organs Convergence).
- Great point for moxibustion.
In thin patients, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.
Special Note:
As the origin of the post-natal qi, the Stomach (and Spleen) is considered to play a central role among the zangfu organs, transforming and distributing the essence of food and drink throughout the body. For this reason, the Stomach may be said to dominate fu.