Zigong CV19: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method



Zi: purple Gong: palace
Zigong CV19 is the name of a star and refers to the emperor’s residence. This point corresponds to the heart which is the organ of monarch, and is therefore called Zigong. Purple Palace is the accomodation of the Heart, the Supreme Controller among the officials according to concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Purple is the alternative imperial color to yellow in Chinese Culture.As purple was worn by emperors. The role of the Heart is to be to be the space where the spirits can dwell and thus allow the purpose of life to unfold through the other officials. The Heart commands the Blood and purple can be associated with the colour of Blood. (Acupuncture Point compendium, 2014)
Point: CV19
Chinese Name: 紫宮
Pinyin: zǐ gōng
English Name/Meaning:Violet Palace
Han Geul 한글: ja gung 자궁
Romaji: shi kyū?
Vietnamese:Tử cung


On the midline of the sternum, in a depression level with second intercostal space


  • Relaxes the chest, suppresses cough, regulates throat.
  • Regulates and descends the Qi.

Indication of Zigong-CV19:

  • Feelings of oppression in chest.
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing, asthma.
  • Speech inhibited by shortness of breath.


Transverse insertion directed superiorly or inferiorly along the channel, 0.5 to 1 cun.

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