Zulinqi GB41 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature :
Zu: foot Lin: treatment qi: to tear
Zulinqi is at the foot and is indicated in lacrimation and other eye diseases.
Point: GB41
Chinese Name: 足临会
Name: Zulinqi
English Name/Meaning: Foot Governor of Tears
Pinyin: zú lín qì
Han Geul 한글: im eup [족] 임읍
Romaji: ashi no rin kyū
Vietnamese: Túc lâm khấp
Zulinqi is located in the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of the extensor digiti minimi of the foot.
Functions of Zulinqi:
- Spreads liver qi and drains damp heat from Gall Bladder .
- Clears ang regulates daimai (menstruation problems).
- Zulinqi is good point for lacrimation and other eye disease.
- Also beneficial in disorders of the yang channels: particularly strong action on dispersing stagnation of Liver qi throughout the shaoyang channel: headache, dizziness, migraine.
- Zulinqi is good point for phlegm congestion on channel and breast:Mastitis, irregular menstruation, Scrofula, Pain in the hypochondriac region.
- Diseases manifesting intermittently: malaria
- Migraine, dizziness, eye pain.
- Local disorders: swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun.
- Shu-Stream Point.
- One of the Eight Confluent Points associating with the Belt Vessel.
- Exit point.