Zhejin GB23: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Zhe: ear of a cart Jin: muscle The “ear” of a cart is the plate protecting its wheel. The muscle on both sides of the flanks are as prominent as the ears of a cart, where Zhejin lies. Point: GB23 Chinese Name: 辄筋 Name: Zhejin English Name/Meaning: Flank Sinews Pinyin: zhé jīn Han Geul…

Yuanye GB22: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Yuan: deep pond Ye: axilla The axilla is likened to a deep pond. Yuanye is at the axilla. Point: GB22 Chinese Name: 渊腋 Name: Yuanye English Name/Meaning: Armpit Abyss Pinyin: yuān yè Han Geul 한글: yeon aek 연액 Romaji: en eki(?) Vietnamese: Uyển dịch Location: On the mid-axillary line when the arm is raised,…

Naokong GB19: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Nao: brain Kong: cavity Naokong is lateral to the occipital bone and internally related to the brain, good for mental disorders. Point: GB19 Chinese Name: 脑空 Name: Naokong English Name/Meaning: Brain Hollow Pinyin: nǎo kōng Han Geul 한글: noe gong 뇌공 Romaji: nō kū Vietnamese: Não không Location: On the head and on the…

Chengling GB18: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

  Nomenclature: Cheng: support Ling: spirit The brain dominates the mind. The parietal bone is also called the “Tianling” bone. Cheng-ling is just lateral and inferior to it. Point: GB18 Chinese Name: 承灵 English Name/Meaning: Support Spirit Pinyin: chéng líng Han Geul 한글: seung nyeong 승령 Romaji: shō rei Vietnamese: Thừa linh Location: On the…

Zhengying GB17: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Zhenying: Fright and fear Zhenying is indicated in treating mental disorders. Point: GB17 Chinese Name: 正營 Name: Zhengying English Name/Meaning: Upright Nutrition Pinyin: zhèng yíng Han Geul 한글: jyeong yeong 정영 Romaji: shō ei Vietnamese: Chính dinh Location: On the head, 2.5 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline…

Muchuang GB16: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Mu: eye Chuang: window Muchuang is above the eye and is indicated in treating eye disorders, like a window of the eye. Point: GB16 Chinese Name: 目窗 Name: Muchuang English Name/Meaning: Window of the Eye Pinyin: mù chuāng Han Geul 한글: mok chang 목창 Romaji: moku sō Vietnamese: Mục song Location: On the head,…

Yangbai GB14: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Yang: Yang of yin-yang Bai: Brightness Yang refers to the head. Yangbai is at the head and its function is to bright the eye. Point: GB14 Chinese Name: 阳白 English Name/Meaning: Yang White Pinyin: yáng bái Han Geul 한글: yang baek 양백 Romaji: yō haku Vietnamese: Dương bạch Location: Directly above the pupils when…

Benshen GB13 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclatutre: Ben: essential Shen: mind Benshen is lateral to Shenting along the anterior hairline. Inside the point, the brain is Point: GB13 Chinese Name: 本神 Name: Benshen English Name/Meaning: Root of the Spirit Pinyin: běn shén Han Geul 한글: bon sin 본신 Romaji: hon jin Vietnamese: Bản thần Location: 0.5 cun within anterior hairline, 3…

Wangu GB12 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Wangu: Mastoid process Wangu is on the lower margin of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, behind the ear. Point: GtB-12 Chinese Name: 完骨 English Name/Meaning: Mastoid Process Pinyin: wán gǔ Han Geul 한글: wan gol 완골 Romaji: kan kotsu Vietnamese: Hoàn cốt Location: In depression just posterior and inferior to mastoid process….

Touqiaoyin GB11: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Tou: head Qiao: opening Yin: yin of yin-yang The kidney and the liver pertain to Yin and opens to the ears and the eyes. Touqiaoyin is on the head and indicated in ear and eye diseases. Point: GB-11 Chinese Name: 头窍阴 Name: Touqiaoyin English Name/Meaning: Yin Portals of the Head Pinyin: tóu qiào yīn…

Fubai GB10: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Fu: supercial Bai: bright Fubai is on the superficial layer of the body and functions in clearing the mind and brightens the eyes. Point: GB-10 Chinese Name: 浮白 English Name/Meaning: Floating White Pinyin: fú bái Han Geul 한글: bu baek 부백 Romaji: fu haku(?) Vietnamese: Phù bạch Location: Fubai lies posterior and superior to the…

Tianchong GB9: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Tian: heaven Chong: gushing Tian refers to the head, where the point is located. The Qi and blood gush upwards to the vertex of the head from this point. Point: GB-9 Chinese Name: 天沖 Name: Tianchong English Name/Meaning: Heavenly Rushing Pinyin: tiān chōng Han Geul 한글: cheon chung 천충 Romaji: ten shō? Vietnamese: Thiên…