Yuanye GB22: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Yuanye is at the axilla,on the mid-axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun below the axilla, in the 4th intercostal space.


Yuan: deep pond Ye: axilla
The axilla is likened to a deep pond. Yuanye is at the axilla.
Point: GB22
Chinese Name: 渊腋
Name: Yuanye
English Name/Meaning: Armpit Abyss
Pinyin: yuān yè
Han Geul 한글: yeon aek 연액
Romaji: en eki(?)
Vietnamese: Uyển dịch


On the mid-axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun below the axilla, in the 4th intercostal space.

Functions of yuanye:

  • Relax chest and regulates qi.
  • Relax sinew and invigorates channel.


  • Swollen and pain at axilla.
  • Shoulder pain and tenderness, frozen shoulder.
  • Hypochondriac pain, fullness or pain on the cheat area, intercostal neuralgia.


Transverse-oblique insertion along the intercostal space, 0.5 to 1 cun.


Tendino-musculo points.


  • Deep or perpendicular needling may induce a pneumothorax.
  • Do not apply moxibustion.

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