Pucan BL61: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Pucan is at the lateral aspect of the heel, and is therefore exposed when a servant pays his respects.


Pu: servant Can: paying respects
Pucan is at the lateral aspect of the heel and is therefore exposed when a servant pays his respects.
Point: BL61
Chinese Name: 仆參
Name: Pucan
English Name/Meaning: Servant’s Respect
Pinyin: pú cān
Han Geul 한글: bok cham 복참
Romaji: boku shin(?)
Vietnamese: Bộc tham


Posterior and inferior to the external mallelous, directly below Kunlun (Bl60), lateral to calcaneum, at the junction of the red and white skin.


Disperses swelling and relieves pain, relaxes sinew.


Muscular atrophy and weakness of the lower extremities, pain in the heel.


Transverse insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun.


Meeting point or Yang Qiao vessel and Bladder Meridian.

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