Zhongliao BL33: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Zhong: middle Liao: foramen
Zhongliao is at the third posterior sacral foramen approximately at the middle part.
Point: BL33
Chinese Name: 中髎
Name: Zhongliao
English Name/Meaning: Middle Crevice
Pinyin: zhōng liáo
Han Geul 한글: jung nyo 중료
Romaji: chū ryō?
Vietnamese:Trung liêu
On the sacrum, medial and inferior to ciliao (Bl 32), just at the third posterior sacral foramen.
Functions of Zhongliao :
- Regulates lower burner.
- Benefits urination and defaecation.
- Strengthens the lower back and legs.
- Genital problems, regulates hormones,eneuresis, infertility, uterine prolapse, leucorrhoea, orchitis.
- Low back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, sciatica, numbness in lumbar and sacral region.
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.
One of the point of baliao.
No needling during pregnancy.