Binao LI 14 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication



Bi: arm Nao: Muscle prominence of the arm
Binao is at the muscle prominence of the arm.

Point Name: LI-14
Chinese Name: 臂臑
English Name/Meaning: Upper Arm
Pinyin: bì nào
Han Geul 한글: bi no 비노
Romaji: hi ju
Vietnamese: Tí nhu

Location :

Binao is located on the lateral side of the upper arm, in the visible and tender depression formed between the distal insertion of the deltoid muscle and the brachialis muscle, approximately three fifths of the distance along the line drawn between LI11 and LI15.

On the lateral side of the upperarm, on the line connecting Quchi (LI11) and Jianyu (LI15), 7 cun above Quchi (LI11), at the insertion of M.deltoideus.

Functions of Binao :

  • Opens the channel and luo vessels, alleviates pain.
  • Benefits the eyes ( meeting point of LI and ST meridian ).

Indications :

  • Pain in the shoulder region and arm, neck stiffness, scrofula.
  • Eye problems.

Method :

Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely upward 0.8-1.5 inches.

Read more about points of large intestine.

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