Shaohai HT3 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method



Shao: young Hai: sea
Shao refers to the Hand-shaoyin meridian. Shaohai is the He-sea point of the heart meridian. The qi of the meridian circulates to this point, like water flowing into the sea.


With the elbow flexes, in the center between the medial end of the transverse cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus (Midway between PC3 and the median epicondyle of the humerus).

Indications of Shaohai:

  • This is famous point for cardiac pain. Promotes heart qi .i.e. clears vessels of heart, pain in heart.
  • Calms spirit so used for mania, insomnia, dream disturbence, schizophrenia, depression, dementia.
  • Opens to tongue, so is used for ulcer and wounds in tongue, swollen red tongue.
  • Local disorders: numbness and tingling sensation, Pain of the arm and elbow, paralysis of the upper limbs.
  • Pain in axilla and hypochondriac region, scrofula.
  • Used for hand tremors (Parkinson’s Diease).


Puncture perpendicularly 0.5~1.0 cun.


He-sea Point.

Read about other points of Pericardium Meridian:

HT1-Jiquan- 极泉   HT2-Qingling- 青灵   HT4-Lingdao-灵道   HT5-Tongli-通里  HT6-Yinxi-阴郄  HT7-Shenmen-神门  HT8-Shaofu-少府  HT9-Shaochong-少冲

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